previous projects.

The Charles the IVth square

Three huge buildings taking up space, we came and cleaned the square up a bit. Designed a new living quarter and a new cultural building with a library and a dance hall.


An urban plan for the district Pontelagoscuro, north of Ferrara, my Erasmus City. Solving problems while keeping and reusing the existing buildings. Minimizing new construction to be eco and budget friendly.

Interior Staircase

A corporate giant is looking for the design of their new HQ, our team aimed to help by designing a captivating office space.
My part? The staircase connecting the whole thing.

Sport Center

A sport center facility, designed for the future of the city district of Prague 4. A fitness, rehabilitation and a open play are create a space for the elite and the casual alike.

Community Center

A place where the whole family can find their own little thing to do. A place to spend an evening class or take your body through some exercise. Design with the flow of people in mind.

Painter House

First residential project in school. Meant to accomodate a travelling artist, a large scale painter. Living quarters in the first floor and a big studio space in the level below.